By Katelyn Ohashi
When we hear that loud, annoying, beeping sound early in the morning, the easiest thing to do is hit the snooze button and stay in bed for just a few more minutes. But I have found that the snooze button is more than just an alarm clock in our lives. This button is a symbol of us putting off our problems and allowing them to continue growing and piling up, making them seem unbearable to deal with. Everyone copes with their problems in many different ways and some problems have much more of a detrimental effect than others, so of course it is easier to wake up and fully deal with some situations over others. Yet, when dealing with manageable issues, I believe we tend to focus our energy too much on the negatives and we begin to pity ourselves, instead of waking up and dealing with our situations in some way or another.
My coach Miss Val always tells us that it is okay to throw yourself a pity party— but only for a certain amount of time. When that time is up, you have to make the decision to stop dwelling on it and talking about it. From my experience, nothing in life is as serious as we tend to make it out to be. Yet when we brood over something and feel sorry for ourselves, the minuscule things can appear to be bigger than they truly are. Why is it easier for us to focus all of our energy on the negatives than it is for us to find the positives?
I recently watched a promo video for a camp that hosts kids with heart conditions and although they had every reason in the world to feel sorry for themselves, they found every reason to be grateful for whatever they were given. Some things we have no control over and we can either let it consume us for the rest of our life or we can find a way to manage it— however that might be.
Not only is this snooze button relevant to our problems, but it can also represent our aspirations. We have a habit of thinking that we cannot achieve our dreams until a certain time or until we are done with something else. We hold off by telling ourselves that we are too busy or we’ll do them after we graduate… but if we have the tools and incentives to do those things now, why wait?